I LOVE Gallery Walls.
A few months back I decided to make a Quote Gallery Wall.
I tried to narrow down some of my favorite quotes and sayings and came up with these ones.
My inspiration came from HERE.
The gallery was so easy and fun to make, especially because most of the quotes and sayings are some of my favorites and mean something to our little family. )
If you’d like to make one too, here is what you’ll need:
-Wood – 1 ft. x 4ft. pieces sold at Lowe’s for $6
-White Spray Paint (I use Rustoleum)
-Black Spray Paint
-Spray Polyurethane
-Sand Paper
1. Begin by designing, cutting and weeding the vinyl for your quotes to fit the size of boards you made.
2. Spray Paint Boards White (or whatever color you want the words to be). Let dry.
3. Add vinyl to the boards.
4. Spray Black Paint (or whatever color you want the board to be). Let dry.
5. Peel away vinyl. The vinyl letters should have worked great as stencils. I use Rustoleum Spray Enamel for the paint colors because I feel like they work really well in covering.
6. Sand to distress and spray with spray Polyurethane and let dry.
7. Add hooks and hang.
I’m hoping to be able to add more to my wall as I find more quotes I love. More than anything I love that I can see all these great quotes and sayings each day that will inspire and remind me about all the important things.
PS – Painted the walls a butter-y yellow, so had to redo my Vinyl Gallery Wall.
If you want to see the directions for that go HERE.